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Soria Pet Shop

Cacodil B15 100 ml

Cacodil B15 100 ml

Regular price $109.00
Regular price Sale price $109.00
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Each 100 ml contains:

Cyanocobalamin………………..0.005 g

Vit. B1 (Thiamin HCl)……………….1.0 g

Vit. B2 (Riboflavin 5 phosphate)……………….0.4 g

Vit. B3 (Nicotinamide)……………….10.0 g

Pyridoxine as pidolate………………..0.50 g

Magnesium aspartate………………..0.15 g

Potassium aspartate………………..1.0 g

Vit. B15 (Pangamic acid)……………….0.15 g

Lidocaine HCI………………0.3 g

Excipients CSP……………..100 mL


The leader who provides his animals with +Vigor, +Stamina, +Strength, +Work, +Health, +Energy, +Production, +Performance in combat and + Oxygenation to the muscle.

INDICATIONS: In foals, calves, piglets, pigs, cattle, horses, sheep, camelids, cats, dogs and fighting cocks for the treatment of deficiencies in vitamin B complex.

Cacodil B15 is the new product of Vicar pharmaceutical SA. Due to its composition, it positions it and makes it an excellent recovery against fatigue, tonic, restorative, energy generator for domestic animals, detoxifying and liver protector, metabolism stimulant.

The benefit of being a liver detoxifier and antioxidant means that liver integrity is recovered and therefore significantly improves production capacity since it generates an increase in protein synthesis and energy contributions are greater, making the animals better able to increase your metabolism, muscle function, milk production and reproduction. Pangamic acid (vitamin B15) has been isolated as a sodium salt very soluble in water and insoluble in fat solvents, it is a mixture of dimethylglycine and sorbitol.

Although it is known as vitamin B15, this substance is a pseudovitamin since it is not considered essential; However, it has great and marked pharmacological effects. Pangamic acid (vitamin B15), combined with vitamin B12, acts as a stimulant of tissue oxidation (supply of oxygen to cells), methylation processes and carbohydrate and protein metabolism.

Aspartic acid salts integrate one of the chains in the Krebs cycle, intervening in maintaining the ionic balance of cells, which have to do with the phenomena of specific excitation-Potassium and magnesium aspartate: Studies say that it improves 15-20% aerobic resistance. The recommended dose 5-10 g/day. Magnesium participates as a cofactor in many enzyme systems, including energy production processes involving phosphate transfer, DNA replication, and energy pumps that maintain the correct distribution of sodium, calcium, and potassium across cell membranes. .

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